Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Doctor and Good Results

Hi, I'm the guy who runs this blog. I started it on a whim and didn't expect many people to ever read it. And I was right. Very few people have read it. But I've been pleasantly surprised by the fact that anyone has found it and that some have been encouraged by it. To all who have commented and shared their stories: Thank you!

My Recent Journey
I haven't wanted to focus too much on my own experience because what I've learned is that everyone is different and the same treatments don't work for everyone. But in the past few months I went to a new doctor and I honestly feel like God is using him to make me healthier. Not only am I experiencing fewer headaches, but I'm correcting some bad diet and lifestyle habits shaped by my headaches.

I can't get into all the details in this post, but I want to share a little and then, depending on the feedback, I'll try to share more about my treatment. In a nutshell, my new doctor at Roselle Alternative Care Center did a saliva test that revealed that my adrenal glands were running on fumes (stress and other factors were contributing to this). He also discovered that I have gluten intolerance. So he's been changing my diet, doing weekly chiropractic adjustments, giving me different supplements and trying to help me limit stress in my life.

Here are some of practical things I'm doing:
1. To keep my blood sugar from fluctuating too much I'm eating every 2.5 hours. I used to go long stretches without eating because I was trying to avoid food triggers. But this was causing more problems!

2. I'm drinking a lot more water. My Doctor says to drink half my weight in ounces each day. For me that's 70 ounces. I never used to drink anywhere near this much in the past! (I'm also going to the bathroom constantly. Oh, well!)

3. I'm on a gluten-free diet. Goodbye, bread! Hello, brown rice.

4. I'm taking B-12. And some nasty tasting supplement that's supposed to boost my adrenal glands. They taste horrible but they're better than a migraine.

5. I've started branching out by eating fruits and vegetables that I used to think were triggers. When I first learned about headaches I probably read too many "trigger lists" and cut out more from my diet than I needed to. Now that a gluten-free diet is healing my intestines, I also think I'm better able to process healthy foods. So though I can't eat bread, I'm munching apples and bananas again which is great.

6. I'm going in for weekly chiropractic adjustments. I'm not sure how long this will last.
I've been on this new regimen for a couple months. I feel better than I have in a long while. I haven't had a headache for four weeks and for the first time I feel like I'm doing more than just medicating my symptoms.

I'd love to hear if anyone has tried any of this or if it matches up with anything you've learned.


Anonymous said...

I've been gluten free for a year now and have not had any headaches or sinus problems - along with all the GI symptoms I had! My rhuemotogist diagnosed me after 41 years of misdiagnosis (IBS, depression, fibromylgia, gallbladder taken out, Crohn's, etc...) Being wheat, rye, barley and oat free is wonderful! Hard at first since there is so much hidden gluten in foods, but now that I have the hang of it I feel wonderful!
I miss bread too - the gluten free breads are just not the same. I had to laugh the other day when I went to Biaggi's. The group I went with is all Celiacs and we all asked for the gluten free menu. The guy took our order and then came back to the table and gave us bread!! We all cracked up and explained to him what gluten free meant. As much as we all miss the bread, no one was about to even touch it.
I'm glad you got diagnosed, so many do not and suffer needlessly and for decades.
Good luck on your GF diet!

Anonymous said...

I have been going weekly to the chiropractor for over a year now. I believe that this helps significantly- not just with migraines but also with other medical issues.

The doctor I went to a few weeks ago was an alternative medicine dr. He recommended diet changes and I am in the process of cutting out wheat and dairy. Yikes. that's a big switch! =(

oh, I also drink at least half my body weight in water daily (it feels like 300 gallons!)

Amy said...

Are you still finding good results from these changes? So far the things I have tried have only led to temporary improvements. I'm looking for something that will lead to longer lasting results.