Friday, December 14, 2007

Migraine Free: A Story

A reader posted the following comment here on the site. We thought it was so encouraging we want to share it here so no one missed it. A woman named Ruth writes:
I come from a family of migraine sufferers. For at least four generations, the women of my mothers family have struggled against the painful condition. I got my first migraine in the 5th grade, and was terrified.

I am now 33 and, by the grace of God, I don't have migraines anymore. The last one I had was in May of 2006, and it was the first I had had in a very long time, and was brought on by a very specific set of circumstances.

For me, getting rid of migraines consisted of changing my diet (I am a vegan, and have experienced myriad health benefits from it, and don't feel the least bit deprived), managing my stress (spirituality played a large role here - learning how to turn to Christ in my struggles, instead of internalizing them), getting enough sleep, and eliminating certain "trigger foods" (particularly caffeine - none at all, ever, and chocolate only on rare occasions). These, along with a few other things, completely "cured" me of migraine headaches. I was the only member of my family to beat them, until I convinced my Mom to apply the same principles. Now, as long as we stick to the program, we are migraine free.
Thanks for sharing your story, Ruth. And for others reading, please tell us about your current experience with headaches. Your story could encourage others.

1 comment:

jennie said...

Your story is so encouraging! I'm 35 & my mom & I struggle w/daily migraines. We've tried diets before, but maybe vegan is the way to go. Would u mind elaborating more about the specifics of staying migraine free. Praise God!